Google finally comes with a new way to tackle spam and low-quality content on search. Earlier in March 2024, the tech giant rolled out its March 2024 core update. It is one of the most significant overhauls that we all have witnessed in a while.
This Google core update aims to boost search quality across the board. In this blog, we learn about the important points of this recent update, so let’s get started!
Google Core Update March 2024: Refining the Quality of Search Results
On March 05, 2024, Google shared a post that stated they have “enhanced search so that we’ll get more useful information and fewer results that feel made for search engines.” According to the post, Google Core Update March 2024 focuses on reducing low-quality, unoriginal content.
This update will show more useful and relevant content in search results. It further includes upgrades to the core ranking systems to improve the quality of search results and spammy practices.
According to the reports, these updates are not only about penalizing poor content. It is about rewarding sites that regularly deliver value to the users along with a keen focus on originality, relevance, and of course user interaction.
It is expected that this core update, alongside the spam updates may take up to a month to fully roll out. Meanwhile, it may affect search rankings across all languages globally. The tech giant’s goal is quite clear to “refine” user experience. By ensuring the searchers discover real helpful information at the top of their search results.
It must be noted that this step of Google will play an important role for all of us. It is a switch towards more qualitative content assessment criteria. Also, adaptability is needed in creating the content and optimizing valuable strategies.
Two Major Highlights of the Core Update
According to the tech giant, they highlighted two major changes include the following:
More Valuable Quality Ranking
Google is making algorithmic upgrades to its core ranking systems that ensure the most helpful information on the web. It also lowers the unoriginal content in search results.
New and Upgraded Spam Policies
The tech giant is updating its spam policies to keep the lowest-quality content out of Search, like expired websites redirected as spam repositories by new owners and obituary spam.
Some Important Points of Google Core Update March 2024
Here are some of the important points that we must understand about the Google Core Update March 2024:
AI-Generated Content
Notably, many of the SEOs misunderstood this Google Core Update March 2024. Mainly regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in creating content. In reality, AI can be a powerful tool for creating content but it must be refined and improved with personal insights, manual edits, and multimedia elements. The update focuses on the content remaining valuable as well as unique.
Use of AI-Writing Tools
We all need to understand the right use of AI writing tools with the right strategies. With the massive use of AI writing tools without the right strategic differentiations can make detectable patterns. It then can become a red flag for Google.
It is quite important to personalize AI-generated content while avoiding scaling content production irresponsibly to prevent being penalized by Google. The surge in de-indexed sites is proof of this.
About Expired Domains
Several expired domains can be beneficial if they are used in the right manner. For that, you just have to avoid low-quality or unoriginal content. Remember, it is not only about domain age or backlinks but in reality it is more about creating genuinely valuable content. That must fulfill the user’s intent and also demonstrate authority.
Redirecting Strategies
You must understand that the redirects need to be carried out with precision. Branding issues and successive ranking signal problems can occur from indiscriminate redirects. However, it can be said that with the top selection of backlinks to redirect, this strategy can work more effectively.
Quality of Content
The regular publishing of content is not fundamentally wrong. However, publishing the original high-quality content daily can give you unique insights and edits with its best performance. There may be spikes in the content volume followed by inactivity, especially when connected with low-quality results, which the tech giant dislikes.
Google’s Quality Move with its Core Update
Google is totally removing websites for the first time from the index that are found to violate its guidelines. It may include sites with unhelpful, irrelevant, or unoriginal content. The core update has introduced quick penalties for non-compliance, affecting websites’ visibility almost immediately.
Even websites that have survived previous updates are now facing the aftermath, stating a more stringent approach to quality control. There is an intensified focus on content quality, with Google aiming to eliminate low-quality content by 40%.
The update highlights the need for SEO strategies to prioritize genuine, valuable content creation. The update has presented more complexity to the ranking algorithms, leading to increased volatility. SEO experts must monitor rankings closely for fluctuations and adjust strategies accordingly.
Strategies for Improving the Content
Improvement in every aspect is important for further growth. Similarly, for the improvement of content, digital marketing companies can follow some strategies. It will help them to boost the quality, engagement, and effectiveness of our content. Such as:
- Using different formats can attract different audiences. Combining a variety of content types like videos, blogs, infographics, and podcasts to serve various preferences.
- Lead with the most powerful benefit of your content to grab attention quickly, especially in digital mediums where users tend to have shorter attention spans.
- Always test different aspects of your content to see what resonates best with your audience.
- Influencers often have a sharp understanding of what content works well with their audience.
- Plan and follow your content creation, publication, and management process. This should align with your business goals and target audience needs.
- Review your existing content to identify what’s working and what’s not. This can help you refine your strategy and focus on successful content types.
- Establish metrics to review the performance of your content. This could include tracking engagement, conversion rates, or SEO rankings.
- Having a clear plan for when and where to post content can help maintain a consistent presence and keep your audience engaged.
If you follow these strategies you can retain your audience with their improved engagement. This will ultimately help your business to provide high-quality content.
End Notes!
Webiators is one of the leading digital marketing companies in India. We value the Google Core Update which is no doubt significant for our SEO and marketing services. This core update demands a strategic shift towards creating high-quality, user-centric content. That must be away from outdated SEO tactics.
It can be said that this update is a call to uplift standards and modify the progressing digital landscape. I hope this blog has given you important information about the core update. If you have any relevant updates then do share them with us. We appreciate your efforts and will use it for sure.
The purpose of Google Core Update March 2024 is to enhance the search quality for better results.
Google is now deindexing websites that are providing unhelpful, irrelevant, or unoriginal content.
Ans. Every website owner needs to focus on publishing only original and quality content.
Ans. Most probably, the answer is no. Even the websites that were not affected by previous updates may face repercussions.
Ans. While specific ranking signals are not always disclosed, the update has underlined the importance of original, high-quality content and a good user experience.